Our Services
ARC offers a wide range of NDIS services in Cairns.
Working with community partners, ARC creates relevant service opportunities utilising available funding plans such as NDIS to reach participant's goals. These services have been developed over many years and have continued to evolve in response to the changes within the sector, and the needs of ARC’s participants. Learn more about our individual services below.

ARC offers a wide variety of programs from Monday to Friday and after hours. Programs are focused on developing confidence required for independence, socialisation, healthy living and within the workforce. ARC Programs are person centered, giving control to participants to choose how they want to reach their goals, and how they want to spend their time.

Supported Independent Living (SILS) provides support to people living in their own homes within the community. SILS is a holistic support option, which assists a person to plan their whole-of-life activities, creating lifestyles of choice, control and empowerment.
Supported Independent Living

Direct Supports
Direct Service Coordinators meet with individuals and their families who engage ARC and explore how individuals can utilise their NDIS funding to create person centered supports to assist them to live their best life.

The ARC Inclusive Education Resource Centre facilitates equity of access for children with a disability to their educational and learning environments through the loan of therapeutic toys and educational resources.
Inclusive Education Resource Centre

Short Term Accommodation
Our Residential Short Term Accommodation service is based in a large wheelchair accessible family style house in Manunda. We offer guests an opportunity for a complete break from their usual living circumstances by providing overnight care for short periods or for longer stays.

A Coordinator of Supports is a specialist in the NDIS, who can provide professional information about local providers, explain funding types, assist with engaging service providers, completing service agreements and strengthening informal support networks.
Coordination of Supports

Plan Management
ARC Plan Management Service provides the opportunity for NDIS to self-direct their funding. The service allows participants to receive supports innovatively, and can be provided via a number of opportunities including private contractors, generic services and NDIS Providers

Freedom Of Choice
ARC is a provider of a number of services within the NDIS.
As a participant, you are able to choose the services that best support you in achieving your goals. This may mean you only choose one service from ARC and services from other providers; or multiple services from ARC and other providers; or all your services for ARC. You are also able to change your mind at any time.
ARC is a firm believer supports should be at the choice and direction of the participant and their families and should in no way be influenced by the organisation. ARC encourages participants to assess their options to ensure they are getting the supports which best suit themselves and their lives.
For more information, please read ARC's Freedom of Choice Policy or Contact Us.