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Policies for Participants

Read some of ARC's policies for participants below.

Want to see our full suite of policies or have questions? Please reach out via the methods listed in the - Contact Us page.

Provision of Supports

Provision of Supports Policy

Covering the provision of supports and how ARC will work collaboratively with Participants and their support network.

Medication Policy

Practices to ensure that medications are managed safely and effectively according to Regulatory Guidelines. 

Cancellation of Supports or Service Delivery Policy

This policy provides information regarding ARC's expectations for participants to provide reasonable notice when cancelling support to minimise risk to participants.

Restrictive Practice Policy

Outlines the safe and legal use of restrictive practices and encourages the reduction and elimination of practices.

Support Coordination Policy

This policy outlines the process for participants seeking support coordination from ARC.

Management of Participant Money & Property Policy

Outlines the role and responsibilities that ARC has in supporting participants to manage their money and property.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Practices to ensure that medications are managed safely and effectively according to Regulatory Guidelines. 

Conflict of Interest Statement - Easy Read

Practices to ensure that medications are managed safely and effectively according to Regulatory Guidelines (Easy Read version).

NDIS Price Guide Update 2023/24

Please find ARC's communication and disclosure regarding the NDIS 2023/24 financial year price guide. 

Rights and Responsibilities

Participant Privacy & Dignity Policy

This policy ensures ARC's participant's privacy, dignity and confidentiality in all aspects of their life is recognised and respected. 

Privacy Statement Policy

The primary purpose for collecting personal information is to provide disability services to people in need, including planning, funding, monitoring and evaluating ARC's services. 

Information Management & Control of Documents (Privacy) Policy

ARC's commitment to safeguarding the personal information that is provided to us.

Information Management Policy

This policy ensures ARC has clear processed with regard to how information is collected, stored and disposed of.

Advocacy Policy

Acknowledging and supporting the importance and role of advocates, participants' rights and ARC's ongoing commitment to maintain links with advocacy services and training.

Preferred Method of Communication Policy

We prioritise understanding and respecting your communication preferences. Our staff are trained to accommodate individual needs, including the use of interpreters, translators, and Easy Read materials

Participant Rights & Person-Centred
Supports Policy

This policy outlines participant rights with clear guidelines for all persons accessing or delivering services associated with ARC.

Individual Values & Beliefs Policy

Focuses on respecting participants' personal and cultural values, tailoring services to their specific needs. It aims to enable participants to actively engage with their community and achieve their personal goals.

Independence, Informed Choice, and Supported-Decision Making Policy

Empowers Participants to make their own decisions with confidence, ensuring they're supported every step of the way to live independently and choose what's best for them.

Freedom of Choice Policy

ARC work to ensure all participants are provided with information about their right to choose the services providers that best suit them.

Recognition & Reporting of Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation Policy

Guidelines of ARC's recognition and response in the event of abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy

To ensure services are delivered in a way reflective of appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, customs and lore.

Governance & Operational Management

Workplace Health Safety & Environmental
Management Policy

To outline and promote the safety culture of ARC, the Workplace Health & Safety Policy Statement applies to employees, board members, volunteers and participants who access or deliver ARC services.

General Grievance Resolution Policy

ARC's General Grievance Resolution Policy is to ensure that all associated with ARC have a structured process by which to air disputes, conflicts and/or grievances with regard to services or contact made with ARC.

Incident Management Policy

ARC's guidelines for the management of incidents alongside Work Health and Safety legislation and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Framework.

Continuity of Supports Policy

To outline the process that ARC follows to maintain continuity of support, applying to all employees and participants.

Children & Other Vulnerable Persons Policy

To minimise risks to the safety and wellbeing of children and adults who have a disability who access ARC's services.

Business Continuity Policy

ARC prioritises keeping employees and participants safe and ensuring uninterrupted services during disruptions.

Duty of Care, Dignity of Risk & the Least Restrictive Alternative

Applying to all ARC employees, volunteers and participants informing of concepts and providing examples for guidance in making informed decisions.

Emergency and Disaster Management Policy

Ensures the safety and ongoing support for participants and staff during emergencies by focusing on readiness, action plans, and teamwork for immediate and effective responses.

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